An Outline
of Theosophy
Webster Leadbeater
Since the finer movements cannot at first affect the soul, he has to
draw round him vestures of grosser matter through which the heavier vibrations
can play; and so he takes upon himself successively the mental body, the astral
body, and the physical body. This is a birth or incarnation –the commencement of
a physical life. During that life all kinds of experiences come to him through
physical body, and from them he should learn some lessons and develop
some qualities in himself.
After a time he begins to withdraw into himself, and puts off by degrees
the vestures which he has assumed. The first of these to drop is the physical
body, and his withdrawal from that is what we call death. It is not the end of
his activities, as we so ignorantly suppose; nothing could be further from the
He is simply withdrawing from one effort, bearing back with him its
results; and after a certain period of comparative repose he will make another
effort of the same kind.
Thus, as has been said, what we ordinarily call his life is only one day
in the real and wider life – a day at school, during which he learns certain
But inasmuch as one short life of seventy or eighty years at most is not
enough to give him an opportunity of learning all the lessons which this
wonderful and beautiful world has to teach, and inasmuch as God means him to
learn them all in His own good time, it is necessary that he should come back
again many times, and live through many of these schooldays that we call lives,
in different classes and under different circumstances, until all the lessons
are learned;
and then this lower schoolwork will be over, and he will pass to
something higher and more glorious – the true divine lifework for which all
this earthly
school-life is fitting him.
That is what is called the doctrine of reincarnation or rebirth – a
doctrine which was widely known in the ancient civilisations, and is even today
held by
the majority of the human race.
Of it Hume has written:-
“What is incorruptible must also be ungenerable. The soul, therefore, if
immortal, existed before our birth…..The metempsychosis is, therefore, the only
system of this kind that Philosophy can hearken to.” * (* Hume. “Essay on
Writing of the theories of metempsychosis in
In his last and posthumous work this great Orientalist again refers to
this doctrine, and expresses his personal belief in it.
And Huxley writes: -
“Like the doctrine of evolution itself, that of transmigration has its
roots in the world of reality; and it may claim such support as the great
argument from analogy is capable of supplying.” ^ ( ^ Huxley, “Evolution and
Ethics,” p. 61, 1895.)
So it will be seen that modern as well as ancient writers recognise this
hypothesis as one deserving of the most serious consideration.
It must not for a moment be confounded with a theory held by the
ignorant, that it was possible for a soul which had reached humanity in its
evolution to re-become that of an animal. No such retrogression is within the
limits of possibility; when once man comes into existence – a human soul,
inhabiting what we call in our books a causal body – he can never again fall
back into what is in truth a lower kingdom of nature, whatever mistakes he may
make or however he may fail to take advantage of his opportunities. If he is
idle in the school of life, he may need to take the same lesson over and over
again before he has really learned it , but still on the whole progress is
steady, even though it may often be slow. A few years ago the essence of this
doctrine was prettily put
thus in one of the magazines: -
“A boy went to school. He was very little. All that he knew he had drawn
in with his mother’s milk. His teacher (who was God) placed him in the lowest
class, and gave him these lessons to learn: Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt do
no hurt to
any living thing. Thou shalt not steal. So the man did not kill; but he
was cruel, and he stole, - At the end of the day (when his beard was grey –
when the
night was come) his teacher (who was God) said – Thou hast learned not
to kill. But the other lessons thou hast not learned. Come back tomorrow.”
“On the morrow he came back, a little boy, and his teacher (who was God)
put him in a class a little higher, and gave him these lessons to learn: Thou shalt do no hurt to any living thing.
Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not cheat. So the man did no hurt to any
living thing; but he stole and he cheated.
And at the end of the day – when his beard was grey – when the night was
come – his teacher
(who was god) said: Thou hast learned to be merciful. But the other
lessons thou hast not learned. Come back tomorrow.”
“Again, on the morrow, he came back, a little boy. And his teacher (who
was God) put him in a class yet a little higher, and gave these lessons to
learn: Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not cheat. Thou shalt not covet. So the
man did not steal; but he cheated, and he coveted. And at the end of the day –
(when his beard was grey –when night was
come) his teacher (who was God) said: Thou hast learned not to steal. But the other lessons thou hast not learned.
Come back, my child, tomorrow.”
“This is what I have read in the faces of men and women, in the book of
the world, and in the scroll of the heavens, which is writ in the stars.” (
Benson, in The Century Magazine, May 1894).
I must not fill my pages with the many unanswerable arguments in favour
of this
doctrine of reincarnation; they are set forth very fully in our
literature by a far abler pen than mine. Here I will say only this. Life
presents us with many problems which, on any other hypothesis than this of
reincarnation, seem utterly insoluble; this great truth does explain them, and
therefore holds the field until another more satisfactory hypothesis can be
found. Like the rest of the
teaching, this is not a
Hypothesis, but a matter of direct knowledge for many of us; but
naturally our knowledge is not proof to others.
Yet good men and true have been sorrowfully forced to admit that they
were unable to reconcile the state of affairs which exists in the world around
us with the theory that God was both almighty and all-loving. They felt, when
they looked upon all the heartbreaking sorrow and suffering, that either He was
not almighty, and could not prevent it, or He was not all-loving, and did not
In Theosophy we hold with determined conviction that He is both almighty
and all-loving, and we reconcile with that certainty the existing facts of life
by means of this basic doctrine of reincarnation. Surely the only hypothesis
allows us reasonably to recognise the perfection of power and love in
the Deity is one which is worthy of careful examination.
For we understand that our present life is not our first, but that each
have behind us a long line of lives, by means of which we have evolved from the
condition of primitive man to our present position.
Assuredly in these past lives we shall have done both good and evil, and
from every one of our actions a definite proportion of result must have
followed under the inexorable law of justice. From the good follows always
happiness and further opportunity; from the evil follows always sorrow and
So, if we find ourselves limited in any way, the limitation is of our
own making, or is merely due to the youth of the soul; if we have sorrow and
suffering to endure, we ourselves alone are responsible. The manifold
and complex destinies of men answer with rigid exactitude to the balance
between the good and evil of their previous actions; and all is moving onward
under the divine order towards the final consummation of glory.
There is perhaps, no Theosophical teaching to which more violent
objection is made than this great truth of reincarnation; yet it is in reality
a most comforting doctrine. For it gives us time for the progress which lies
before – time and opportunity to become “perfect”. Objectors chiefly found
their protest on the fact that they have had so much trouble and sorrow in this
life that they will not listen to any suggestion that it may be necessary to go
through it all again. But this is obviously not argument; we are in search of
truth, and when it is found we must not shrink from it, whether it be pleasant
or unpleasant, though, as a matter of fact, as said above, reincarnation
rightly understood is profoundly comforting.
Again, people often enquire why, if we have had so many previous lives,
we do not remember any of them. Put briefly, the answer to this is that some
people do remember them; and the reason why the majority do not is because their
consciousness is still focused in one or other of the lower sheaths.
That sheath cannot be expected to recollect previous incarnations,
because it has not had
any; and the soul, which has, is not yet fully conscious on its own
plane. But the memory of all the past is stored within the soul, and expresses
itself here in the innate qualities with which the child is born; and when the
man has evolved sufficiently to be able to focus his consciousness there
instead of only in lower vehicles the entire history of that real and wider
life will be open
before him like a book.
The whole of this question is fully and beautifully worked out in Mrs.
Besant’s manual on Reincarnation, Dr, Jerome Anderson’s Reincarnation and in
the chapters on that subject in The Ancient Wisdom, to which the attention of the reader is
specially directed.
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Camberley, Surrey,
England GU15 2LF
Concerns about
the fate of the wildlife as
Tekels Park is to
be Sold to a Developer
Concerns are
raised about the fate of the
wildlife as The Spiritual Retreat,
Tekels Park in
Camberley, Surrey,
England is to be
sold to a developer.
Tekels Park is a
50 acre woodland park,
for the Adyar
In addition to
concern about the park,
many are worried about the
of the Tekels
Park Deer as they
Confusion as the
Theoversity moves out of
Tekels Park to Southampton,
Glastonbury &
Chorley in Lancashire while the
leadership claim
that the Theosophical Society will
carry on using
Tekels Park despite its sale to a developer
Anyone planning a
“Spiritual” stay at the
Tekels Park Guest
House should be aware of the sale.
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A Satirical view
of the sale of Tekels Park
in Camberley,
Surrey to a developer
The Toff’s Guide to the Sale of Tekels Park
What the men in
top hats have to
say about the
sale of Tekels Park
Introductory Theosophy Text
A Text Book of
Theosophy By C W Leadbeater
What Theosophy Is
From the Absolute to Man
The Formation of a Solar System The Evolution of Life
The Constitution of Man After Death
The Purpose of Life
The Planetary Chains
The Result of Theosophical Study
An Outstanding
Introduction to Theosophy
By a student of
Katherine Tingley
Elementary Theosophy Who is the Man? Body and Soul
Body, Soul and Spirit Reincarnation Karma
Preface to the American Edition Introduction
Occultism and its Adepts The Theosophical Society
First Occult Experiences Teachings of Occult Philosophy
Later Occult Phenomena Appendix
Theosophy and the Masters General Principles
The Earth Chain Body and Astral Body Kama – Desire
Manas Of Reincarnation Reincarnation Continued
Karma Kama Loka
Arguments Supporting Reincarnation
Differentiation Of Species Missing Links
Psychic Laws, Forces, and Phenomena
Psychic Phenomena and Spiritualism
Karma Fundamental Principles Laws: Natural and Man-Made The Law of Laws
The Eternal Now
Causation The Laws of Nature A Lesson of The Law
Karma Does Not Crush Apply This Law
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Man and His Surroundings The Three Fates
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highest mountain at 3,650 feet.
The coastline is
almost 750 miles long. The population
of Wales as at the 2001 census is 2,946,200.
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